Sunday, April 26, 2009

One Week Until Surgery!!

...while visions of those Clemson Tigers dance in my head !!

I can't wait to go surfing with my dad!

Sweet little Tiger!

just chillin on my boppy!

In Savannah for my first wedding!! 
Don't I look cute?

My first Easter!!

Sunday afternoon, just hangin out with mom

Baby dedication Sunday!
Isn't dad handsome?

Look how big I'm getting!!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

lamby, that is a LION on his bib, not a tiger :) I mean...I guess it could go either way. That's why I sent it to him...I want him prepped early to date and marry an ADPi :)
Glad you updated your post. You are in my thoughts and prayers this week as you prepare for his surgery. Love all three of you!!